Resolving Inflammation Without Immunosuppression

Most available treatments used to treat inflammation suppress the immune system which can lead to a heightened risk of serious safety issues. Inflammation resolution strategies seek to provide both anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving activity without suppressing the immune system.

Harnessing the Melanocortin System to Resolve Inflammation

SynAct harnesses the melanocortin system to stimulate both anti-inflammatory and inflammation resolution mechanisms to resolve excessive inflammation safely without suppressing the immune system’s ability to respond to new infections or injuries.

Resomelagon (AP1189)

An Oral Selective Melanocortin Agonist

Our lead drug candidate resomelagon (AP1189) is a once-daily oral selective melanocortin agonist that selectively stimulates melanocortin receptors to help the body resolve inflammation. Resomelagon (AP1189) is being evaluated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN) and respiratory insufficiency caused by viruses like COVID-19.


”We are very grateful to those helping with the ADVANCE trial and to all of our shareholders who continue to give us their support.”