Published in English – already published 11:18 CET today Disclosure notice in SynAct Pharma AB

SynAct Pharma AB (“SynAct” or the “Company”) hereby announces that the Company’s shareholders TJ Biotech ApS (wholly-owned by the board member and CSO Thomas Jonassen) and Quantass ApS (owned by the CEO Jeppe Øvlesen and his wife Ghita Øvlesen) have carried out a corporate restructuring whereby the companies’ holdings of shares in SynAct have been transferred through a merger to the newly formed company BioInvest ApS.

Prior to the restructuring, TJ Biotech ApS held 2,296,651 shares, corresponding to approximately 9.41 per cent of the number of shares and votes in the Company, and Quantass ApS held 1,456,263 shares, corresponding to approximately 5.97 per cent of the number of shares and votes in the Company. Following the restructuring, BioInvest ApS holds 3,752,914 shares, corresponding to approximately 15.38 per cent of the number of shares and votes in the Company, meaning that BioInvest ApS through the merger has taken over all shares and votes in the Company previously owned by TJ Biotech ApS and Quantass ApS. BioInvest ApS is a newly formed company, which is jointly owned by Thomas Jonassen 61 per cent) as well as Jeppe Øvlesen and his wife Ghita Øvlesen 39 per cent. BioInvest ApS did not own any shares in the Company prior to the restructuring. Existing lock-up agreements has been taken over by BioInvest (Thomas Jonassen, Jeppe Øvlesen, Ghita Øvlesen).

For further information about SynAct Pharma AB, please contact:

Jeppe Øvlesen                                                                                Thomas Jonassen

CEO, SynAct Pharma AB                                                                CSO, SynAct Pharma AB

Phone: +45 28 44 75 67                                                                  Phone: +45 40 15 66 69
[email protected]

This information was submitted, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, for publication on 11 January 2021.